LFortran: the Fastest Open-Source Compiler in Compile-Time Evaluation of an Array Benchmark

After successful compilation of stdlib and Fortran On Web Using LFortran, we focused on improving the support for compile time computation and we are excited to announce that LFortran can now compile the example from the Computing at compile time Fortran Discourse topic.

This example can be used to benchmark the speed of compilation and compile-time array evaluation by increasing the size of the arrays. On this particular example LFortran outperforms other open-source Fortran compilers by an order of magnitude for large array sizes. For small array sizes each compiler has a different constant overhead, which becomes negligible for large arrays and this benchmark measures how quickly the compiler can internally apply the symbolic function on a large array numerically.

You can try LFortran yourself on other examples and if you find that other compilers significantly outperform it in the speed of compilation, please let us know.

Why care about the speed of compilation? When developing large Fortran codes, it is essential to compile as quickly as possible to make the edit-compile-run cycle short. It must be a pleasure to develop in Fortran. Fast compilation, beautiful error messages both at compile time and runtime in Debug mode (no segfaults).

When running in production, we then want the fastest performance at runtime. LFortran’s goal is to be fast to compile in Debug mode and fast to run in Release mode.

LFortran is currently alpha software, meaning that users must continue expecting that LFortran will fail compiling or running their codes. Please report all bugs that you find.

Compilation Benchmark

The following program computes the integral of sin(x) from 0 to pi at compile-time using the simplest linear approximation:


program compile_time
implicit none
integer, parameter :: N = 65535
integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0)
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.d0)
real(dp), parameter :: pi = 2*asin(1._dp)
real(dp), parameter :: a = 0, b = pi
real(dp), parameter :: dx = (b-a)/N
integer :: i
real(dp), parameter :: X(*) = [(sin(a+(b-a)*i/N), i = 1, N)]
real(dp), parameter :: S = sum(X)*dx
logical, parameter :: l = S < 2
real(kind=merge(sp, dp, l)) :: y
if (kind(y) == sp) then
    print *, "true"
    print *, "false"
end if
print *, S
end program

Now we benchmark the compilation speed with various compilers depending on the array size N (the number of integration points).

On MacBook Air M2 8GB RAM

N GFortran (s) LFortran (s) GFortran / LFortran
10 0.065 0.068 0.9558823529
100 0.067 0.068 0.9852941176
1000 0.081 0.068 1.191176471
10000 0.224 0.07 3.2
25000 0.464 0.08 5.8
50000 0.867 0.085 10.2
75000 1.273 0.089 14.30337079
100000 1.666 0.097 17.17525773
250000 4.083 0.137 29.80291971
500000 8.128 0.208 39.07692308
750000 12.25 0.276 44.38405797
1000000 16.431 0.345 47.62608696
2500000 41.947 0.757 55.41215324
5000000 85.506 1.447 59.09191431
7500000 131.474 2.15 61.15069767
10000000 176.646 2.846 62.06816585

On Surface Laptop 5; WSL, Ubuntu 22.04, 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1265U

N LFortran GFortran Flang GFortran / LFortran Flang / LFortran
1 0.136 0.135 0.187 0.992647059 1.375
10 0.137 0.148 0.217 1.080291971 1.583941606
100 0.136 0.149 0.202 1.095588235 1.485294118
1.00E+03 0.164 0.163 0.19 0.993902439 1.158536585
1.00E+04 0.167 0.25 0.278 1.497005988 1.664670659
1.00E+05 0.175 2.066 0.691 11.80571429 3.948571429
2.50E+05 0.203 4.962 1.419 24.44334975 6.990147783
5.00E+05 0.238 10.199 2.621 42.85294118 11.01260504
7.50E+05 0.299 15.047 3.728 50.32441472 12.46822742
1.00E+06 0.402 19.671 5.009 48.93283582 12.460199
2.00E+06 0.649 - - - -
3.00E+06 0.871 - - - -
4.00E+06 1.057 - - - -

On Ryzen 7 5800, 16G RAM, Ubuntu

N LFortran GFortran Flang GFortran / LFortran Flang / LFortran
10 0.036 0.024 0.113 0.666667 3.138889
100 0.036 0.028 0.107 0.777778 2.972222
1000 0.036 0.039 0.115 1.083333 3.194444
10000 0.033 0.160 0.152 4.848485 4.606061
25000 0.035 0.386 0.176 11.028571 5.028571
50000 0.035 0.821 0.302 23.457143 8.628571
75000 0.047 1.236 0.378 26.297872 8.042553
100000 0.053 2.412 0.498 45.509434 9.396226
250000 0.090 4.399 1.082 48.877778 12.022222
500000 0.126 9.093 2.162 72.166667 17.158730
750000 0.156 13.679 3.234 87.685897 20.730769
1000000 0.234 17.893 4.792 76.465812 20.478632

The above tables are visualized in the graphs below:



Apple M2

How to Run the Benchmark Yourself

We installed LFortran, GFortran and Flang using Conda, that way you can install exactly the same binary as well, and that way if there is any issue how each compiler was compiled into the conda package, one can simply send a PR against the conda-forge repository to improve it, and the compiler developers can ensure that their compiler is compiled correctly with maximum performance.

Create a conda environment with exactly the versions that we used:

mamba create -n ct lfortran=0.36.0 gfortran=13.2.0 flang=18.1.6
mamba activate ct

Benchmark the speed of compilation:

time lfortran compile_time.f90 -o a.out
time gfortran -fmax-array-constructor=10000000 compile_time.f90 -o a.out
time flang-new compile_time.f90 -o a.out

Note: Flang currently does not have a conda package for Apple Silicon, so we only benchmarked it on Linux.

Development Overview

The roots of development lead us to PR#3564 which aimed to handle compile time evaluation of elemental functions. At that time we only had ArrayConstant represented in ASR grammar as:

ArrayConstant(expr* args, ttype type, arraystorage storage_format)

That means ArrayConstant was being used to handle both compiletime and runtime values. Thereafter we decided to split it into ArrayConstructor for handling runtime value and ArrayConstant which contains compiletime values.

Thus in PR#3579, the grammar was changed to:

ArrayConstructor(expr* args, ttype type, expr? value, arraystorage storage_format) ArrayConstant(expr* args, ttype type, arraystorage storage_format)

From then, ArrayConstant is only allowed other *Constant in it (but not another ArrayConstant) whereas the ArrayConstructor is allowed other nodes. For example [sin(x), y], or two ArrayConstants.

Later, we realized that we should improve upon the internal representation of ArrayConstant further, so we documented approach at issue#3581.

Now,ArrayConstant should contain a type (that includes kind) of the element, shape, and then a pointer to contiguous data. Thus the ASR grammar was changed to:

ArrayConstant(int n_data, void data, ttype type, arraystorage storage_format)

Implementation details can be found at PR#3859.

There were also a bunch of minor patches that contributed to performance improvement for evaluating compile time values.


Help us get to beta faster by reporting bugs and submitting PRs to fix things. We will help you get started, no prior compiler experience needed.


We want to thank:
